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How Is the Digital Age Redefining Social Engineering’s Playbook?

Phishing, once a prevalent attack method, has evolved into a more difficult and elusive threat. Social engineering, underpinned by artificial intelligence (AI), is emerging as a sophisticated and subtle form of cyber deception. Social engineering, the art of deceiving victims by posing as trusted individuals, has gained sophistication with the advent of social media. Hackers exploit platforms like LinkedIn to glean personal and professional details, creating an illusion of familiarity with their targets. AI has further reshaped this landscape, enabling hackers to replicate voices and writing styles with astonishing precision. Three primary evolving techniques – Vishing (Voice Phishing), Angler Phishing, and AI-enhanced phishing – have redefined the threat landscape. We must remain informed and adapt our defences to navigate the intricate webs of deceit woven by malicious actors. The relentless innovation of the digital age presents both risks and tools to counter them. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and safeguard our interconnected world in this new era of cyber deception.

Social Engineering Playbook:- Phishing has consistently held a significant position as a prevalent attack method, especially as conventional hacking techniques grew more complex. Adding to the challenge, cybercriminals have honed their methods to increase their reliability and impact.

Among these tactics, social engineering stands out as one of the most perilous, and it is evolving into a more sophisticated form with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI). This shift in the landscape highlights the need to understand how AI is reshaping the strategies of social engineering and how we can safeguard ourselves from these increasingly subtle and elusive attacks.

What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering represents a type of cyber attack that revolves around deceiving the victim by posing as a trusted individual. The attacker typically manipulates the target into divulging crucial information, such as passwords or making unauthorised fund transfers.

As social media has gained prominence, these attacks have grown increasingly sophisticated. Hackers exploit these platforms to unearth personal and professional details, which they then employ to establish an illusion of familiarity with their victims, whether as a friend, family member, or colleague.

Moreover, these attacks frequently exploit a sense of urgency, putting the victim under pressure to respond promptly and bypass any scepticism regarding the authenticity of the request. This tactic heightens the likelihood of successful deception and victim exploitation.

Social Engineering in Perspective: Notable Statistics

Social engineering attacks are on a relentless rise, and a glance at these striking statistics underlines the gravity of the situation:

In 2022, social engineering emerged as the foremost attack vector, as reported by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association. According to IBM’s 2022 Cost of a Data Breach report, the financial fallout of an average social engineering attack reaches a staggering $4.55 million. IBM’s report further unveils a sobering fact: it takes an average of 270 days for organisations to detect and contain social engineering attacks, highlighting the elusive nature of these threats.

Evolving Landscape: The Impact of Social Media

The landscape of social engineering has been profoundly reshaped by the advent of social media platforms. Particularly concerning are platforms like LinkedIn, which grant unrestricted access to employees’ profiles, encompassing their roles and professional histories.

Armed with this seemingly innocuous data, hackers are now equipped to craft meticulously detailed emails that can outwit even the most vigilant of employees. Furthermore, social media has become an increasingly frequented stage, where people seek answers and support from businesses, making it a prime hunting ground for malevolent actors.

To compound the issue, some hackers employ multi-pronged attacks that traverse multiple communication channels, meticulously building trust with their targets. For instance, these cybercriminals might initiate an email requesting funds and promptly follow it with a phone call, cleverly referencing the earlier email to preclude victims from contacting the authentic phone number.

The Pervasion of AI in Social Engineering

A disconcerting technological progression in the realm of social engineering centres around Artificial Intelligence (AI). While AI has played a role in previous hacks, its recent widespread availability to the general public marks a concerning development.

AI tools, readily accessible and often freely available online, have acquired the capacity to fabricate a multitude of media types aimed at deceiving unsuspecting victims. For instance, they can harness the content of emails from a particular individual and replicate their writing style with alarming precision.

Furthermore, AI-driven tools excel in creating convincing voice imitations for phone calls or voicemails.

Top 3 Evolving Techniques

Social engineering is a dynamic landscape, constantly evolving. Currently, three primary attack vectors have been gaining prominence:

Vishing (Voice Phishing)

Vishing constitutes a voice-centric iteration of the traditional phishing attack. Historically, these schemes have typically involved impersonating authoritative entities like government agencies or financial institutions. Victims tend to place implicit trust in these institutions, often unable to discern the authenticity of employees’ voices. However, recent advancements in AI have amplified the threat of vishing. By employing voice data harvested from videos, advertisements, or webinars, hackers can accurately replicate a victim’s boss’s voice, achieving an unprecedented level of authenticity. Subsequently, this voice model can be trained to solicit sensitive information or fund transfers.

Angler Phishing

This deception tactic has emerged in response to the increased presence of brands on social media, primarily for providing technical support to their customer base. Hackers create counterfeit accounts, posing as these brands, with the intent to gather sensitive customer information or even perpetrate financial fraud. In advanced iterations of this ruse, cybercriminals leverage information obtained from the victim’s social media accounts and photographs to discern the order date of a product, thereby enhancing the ruse’s credibility.

AI-Enhanced Phishing

In tandem with AI’s evolution in vishing, conventional text-based phishing has witnessed AI-assisted refinements. Hackers can accurately replicate the writing styles of individuals, utilising data collected from blogs, emails, and social media posts. By blending these mimicry techniques with urgency-inducing tactics and other stratagems such as vishing, these assaults become formidable challenges to detect.


In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, the redefinition of social engineering’s playbook is a formidable and ongoing transformation. The amalgamation of social media’s pervasive influence and the advent of Artificial Intelligence has given rise to a new era of sophisticated cyber deception. As we navigate this uncharted territory, awareness and vigilance become our strongest allies. By staying informed and adapting our defences, we can navigate the intricate webs of deceit woven by malicious actors. It is crucial to comprehend that the digital age’s relentless innovation is a double-edged sword; while it introduces new risks, it also empowers us with advanced tools to thwart those who seek to exploit the vulnerabilities in our interconnected world. This evolving landscape demands a proactive response, where knowledge is our best defence against the constantly shifting tactics of social engineers.


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