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Object: A data type that stores data in a comma-separated list of key-value pairs

Octet: A sequence of eight bits. An octet is an eight-bit byte.

One-Way Encryption: Irreversible transformation of plaintext to cipher text, such that the plaintext cannot be recovered from the cipher text by other than exhaustive procedures even if the cryptographic key is known.

On-path Attack: An attack where a malicious actor places themselves in the middle of an authorized connection and intercepts or alters the data in transit

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): The collection and analysis of information from

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model: A standardized concept that describes the seven layers computers use to communicate and send data over the network

Open Web Application Security Project/Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP): A non-profit organization focused on improving software security

Operating system (OS): The interface between computer hardware and the user

Operator: A symbol or keyword that represents an operation

Options: Input that modifies the behavior of a command

Order of Volatility: A sequence outlining the order of data that must be preserved

Overload: Hindrance of system operation by placing excess burden on the performance capabilities of a system component.

OWASP Top 10: A globally recognized standard awareness document that lists the top

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