Data Privacy

Data Privacy on Social Media: How to Protect Your Information in 2024

The 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal and other events have elevated the conversation around data privacy on social media, spurring public and political debate. Popular social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, and Telegram are like digital billboards where people may reveal different parts of their lives, which has some worried about their personal information being visible to outside viewers. Key points include reading and understanding privacy policies, exploring platform features, adjusting privacy settings, and being selective about the information shared. The way that social media privacy issues are changing and the proactive steps that individuals may take to take back control of their online privacy. It also recommends using a Virtual Private Network to safeguard private social media accounts and reduce data gathering by companies.

In recent times, privacy concerns have surged into a broader public and political discourse, propelled in part by the impact of social media and the aftermath of the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Social media sites like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Snapchat have developed into online advertisements for internet users in today’s digital environment. These platforms are used by users to share almost every part of their life, including news, photos, and personal thoughts.

The substantial volume of information disclosed on social media, often including deeply personal details, extends beyond the confines of one’s trusted circle of friends and family, attracting the attention of external viewers.

Many are unaware that someone, somewhere, is compiling a substantial amount of your social media activity for purposes you may not understand. A wide range of entities are involved, including advertising corporations, hostile acquaintances, government agencies, spam bots, and, most worryingly, cyber criminals.

Acknowledging these pervasive privacy concerns, this article aims to illuminate strategies for safeguarding your privacy on social media. Our objective is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take proactive measures to shield your social media privacy.

Master Your Social Media Privacy: A Practical Guide

Want to be more in control of what you share online? This guide unveils simple steps to take back your privacy on social media.

1. Read the Fine Print
Every social platform has privacy policies outlining what information they collect and how they use it. Don’t just click “Agree.” Take some time to understand what you’re agreeing to! Pay attention to details like:

● What data do they collect about you and your activity?
● Who do they share your data with (third-party apps, advertisers)?
● Your options for controlling your data. (deleting content, restricting access)

2. Know Your Platform: Inside and Out
Dive into the platform’s features and understand how privacy works. Who sees your posts? Can you control who can follow you or tag you? Explore the privacy settings and learn how to adjust them to your comfort level.

3. Privacy Settings: From Default to Customized
Most platforms set default privacy settings that might share more information than you want. Take charge! Navigate to the privacy settings and lock down your profile. Limit who can see your posts, friends list, and other personal details. Remember, less is often more when it comes to sharing online.

4. Think Before You Share: Bio Details Matter
Platforms often ask for biographical information like your name, age, or hometown. But do they need all that? Be selective about what you share. Consider using privacy settings to minimise personal information displayed on your profile. Remember, every detail adds to your online footprint.

5. TMI Traps: Guard Your Account Information
Avoid sharing sensitive information like your address, phone number, political views, or workplace. This information can be misused for targeted scams, unwanted ads, or identity theft. Keep your profile professional and remember, less personal information online means less risk.

6. Friend or Foe? Choose Wisely
You’re not obligated to connect with everyone. Be cautious about accepting friends or following requests, especially from strangers. Research their profiles and consider why you’re using the platform before clicking “Accept.” Remember, a smaller, trusted network is key to online safety.

7. Location Off: Avoid Unwanted Spotlight
Sharing your location can reveal your daily routines and favourite spots. Disable location sharing on your device and social media apps to prevent unwanted attention and keep your movements private.

8. Picture Perfect Privacy: Think Before You Post
Think twice before posting photos! A seemingly harmless picture might reveal your home, family, or vacation plans. Be mindful of the information you share visually and consider privacy settings for photo albums and tagging.

9. Clickbait: The Bait You Don’t Want to Take
Beware of tempting clickbait like “Share your birthday to see your celebrity twin!” These are often tricks to collect your data and might even install malware on your device. Stick to trusted sources and avoid suspicious links to keep your information safe.

By following these steps, you can take control of your social media privacy and navigate the online world with confidence. Remember, it’s your data, and you have the power to decide who has access to it. Happy and safe socializing!


Social networking platforms may need to take further steps in the upcoming years to protect your privacy and security. However, you may take precautions to keep yourself safe for the time being. By using a VPN, you can lessen the amount of information that businesses may gather about your online habits and keep your data safe. By using a VPN, you may surf the internet quickly and privately while protecting your personal social media accounts. Certain websites offer helpful advice on how to protect your privacy on social media.


With professional insights and useful advice, stay ahead of the ever-evolving privacy challenges. Don’t pass up this chance to protect your internet reputation! Now, check in and take control of the digital world with Cyber News Live.

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