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Quishing Attack Guide

Guide to QR Code “Quishing”

As phishing attacks continue to proliferate, organisations must implement effective practices and awareness programs to combat these threats. Cyber criminals exploit cyber crime to steal sensitive data and extort funds, leveraging the internet’s speed and convenience to target individuals with minimal effort. Techniques like QR phishing exploit QR codes to manipulate targets and pilfer sensitive information. To safeguard against Quishing attacks, individuals should remain vigilant of unsolicited messages and unfamiliar links. Moreover, organisations should educate employees, conduct regular phishing simulations, and enforce robust security policies. Embracing these measures enables organisations to strengthen their defenses against phishing and cyber attacks.

QR code usage has become ubiquitous in today’s digital landscape, offering the convenience of accessing online content via a phone camera, from restaurant menus to flyers. However, like all technologies, QR codes have a dark side, with criminals exploiting them for malicious purposes.

QR code phishing, or “Quishing,” represents a novel phishing attack employed by criminals to bypass an organization’s security measures and pilfer sensitive information. In this threat, attackers utilize social engineering tactics to deceive target users through a malicious QR code linked to a phishing page. Scanning the QR code redirects users to a counterfeit site closely resembling a legitimate one. Upon entering their credentials, perpetrators seize this information for nefarious purposes, ranging from identifying threats to perpetrating financial scams or ransomware attacks.

While phishing is often perceived as a minor threat, neglecting it can escalate into more perilous attacks. Understanding Quishing in depth is paramount to addressing this evolving cyber threat landscape.

How does Quishing work?

Quishing attacks function similarly to traditional attacks, but they utilize QR codes instead of text to deceive individuals. These attacks commonly involve emails or text messages containing malicious links that redirect recipients to phishing sites. Upon clicking the link, users are directed to a fraudulent website where they may unwittingly enter their sensitive information, which scammers promptly exploit.

However, Quishing attacks differ from conventional attacks in their method of execution. Unlike typical attacks, where malicious links are embedded in text, Quishing attacks employ QR codes as the vehicle for directing users to phishing sites.

Moreover, the origin of QR codes remains undetectable, making them ideal tools for scammers to distribute via email. Typically, cyber criminals initiate Quishing attacks by generating fake QR codes linked to phishing sites. These codes are then disseminated to potential victims via email or displayed in public settings for unsuspecting individuals to scan. Upon scanning the code, victims may unwittingly provide sensitive information such as bank details or inadvertently download malware, leading to further compromise of their devices.

Quishing Attack

How to detect a Quishing attack

Here are a few ways you can detect Quishing attacks.

Common warning signs

Quishing attacks May have mistakes such as grammatical errors, Misspellings, lookalike mail addresses, and other red flags that you should take as warning signs.

Text analysis

Most scammers use emotional manipulation or create a sense of urgency to succeed in their harmful intentions. These efforts can reorganized using NLP or artificial intelligence.

QR code detection

QR codes are images attested in a Quishing email. To identify these attacks, you can scan those images to see if they contain QR codes.

Ways to protect yourself against Quishing

QR phishing attacks share many similarities with traditional attacks, so most general information about protecting against phishing also helps prevent Quishing. However, QR phishing attacks have vulnerabilities you can detect and protect yourself against fraud.

Verify QR Codes

Avoid scanning QR codes from unknown sources and strangers, especially if they offer too attractive and unbelievable deals. Also, if you get a message from an unofficial source or a colleague, check the credibility of the mail or visit their official website.

Use a reliable QR Code Reader

Most phones these days offer QR codes with their built-in scan camera or with the Google lens. However, if you use a third-party scanner, confirm its reliability. Cyber criminals also use fraudulent updates for QR apps to infect users’ devices that have already been affected in the past.

Preview the destination URL

If your scanning app has a preview destination feature, you can check the QR code link where it’s coming from. This will prevent malicious software from being downloaded to your device upon scanning it.

Enable Two-factor authentication

Two–factor authentication works the same way for Quishing as it does for traditional phishing. If cyber criminals have your information, they cannot use it unless you accept secondary authentication. If you haven’t attempted to access your account, you should avoid notifications on your phone. If you are getting constant notifications, this is a clear sign that hackers have obtained your information.


We all have accepted QR codes so quickly in our lives that it has become difficult to believe they can be manipulated. Quishing poses a greater threat to organisations and businesses. As QR code attacks continue to surge, organsations must educate employees with the necessary skills so they can better identify and avoid these types of cyber attacks.


Don’t let the QR code steal your sensitive information. With Cyber News Live, you can learn how to prevent your organization from QR phishing.

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