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Pig Butchering Scams: What it is and How to Protect Yourself

Pig Butchering Scams are a new and gruesome scam that is gaining popularity among fraudsters. The number of victims falling prey to these scams is rising correspondingly. This pernicious cryptocurrency fraud involves luring individuals to invest in deceptive ventures that appear legitimate and profitable.

The proliferation of this scam can be attributed to a confluence of post-pandemic social isolation and a lack of technical literacy, which created a breeding ground for threat actors to exploit individuals susceptible to such devious threats. According to a report by the US Department of Homeland Security, pig butchering scams alone resulted in a total $3.3 billion loss in 2022. This staggering data highlights the devastating impact of such financial scams on unsuspected victims.

Let’s understand the pig butchering scams in detail.

What is a Pig Butchering Scam?

A pig butchering scam, referred to as a ‘Sha Zhu Pan’ scam, has evolved from rudimentary smishing tactics into a more sophisticated scam. This investment fraud involves fabricating online personas to entice victims into investing in fraudulent schemes. The term pig butchering captures the estimated cruelty of the scheme. The victim is targeted akin to a sheep being fattened for slaughter, cultivated with trust and loyalty over time before the extraction of their financial assets. The initial hook for such scams is often curiosity, drawing unsuspected individuals into the trap. These scams, originating overseas and frequently involving cryptocurrencies, have transcended geographical boundaries and become pervasive global problems.

pig butchering scams

How Does a Pig Butchering Scam Work?

Pig butchering scams operate through a more insidious approach compared to other counterparts. They often follow a well-orchestrated process to entice victims and deceive their trust. While there can be variation in pattern, most pig butchering scams follow the same strategy:

Creating a Fake Persona

The initial step of a pig butchering scam is creating fake online personas. Scammers create fake accounts to deceive people. These fake online identities are meticulously crafted and tailored to the potential victim’s interests using artificial intelligence or fabricated life stories.

Contact Initiation

Scammers contact victims via dating apps, social media, or random calls or texts. They may also use written text or scripts to trap the target.

Building Trust

Scammers spend weeks and months cultivating a rapport with victims, often fostering intimacy with them. They do not initially bring anything related to money or investment. Moreover, they may use mirroring techniques to emulate the victim’s language, interests, and beliefs to weave a sense of connection and trust.

Initiating Investment

Once the trust is established, scammers deviate the conversation towards investment opportunities, often related to cryptocurrencies or other digital assets like foreign exchange. These endeavours are framed as an opportunity to build a future together. Scammers also share fabricated stories to bolster credibility and succeed in their intentions.

Convincing for Deposits

Scammers will convince victims to download a fake investment app, make desired payments, or visit fraudulent websites. They will then make the victims understand the complete investment process. They may also permit the withdrawals initially to build trust and legitimacy.

Manipulating Further Investment

Once the victim deposits the money, scammers will manipulate the data and create fake reports showing huge returns on investment to extract capital. They may introduce a sense of exclusivity or urgency to get more money from victims.

Vanishing Act

Once the scammers extract the maximum amount of money from the victims, they abruptly cut all ties and vanish. The fraudulent website or app will be disabled, and victims will have no way to retrieve money or contact the fraudster. In some cases, they may also use the stolen information to commit identity threats or prey on victims’ families and friends.

Ways to Protect Yourself from Pig Butchering Scams

It’s hard to calculate the exact loss of pig butchering scams, but estimations show scammers extract billions of dollars annually. Therefore, we must protect ourselves and our loved ones from such scams. Here are a few precautionary measures we can use:

  1. Be cautious about your personal credentials and personal details, especially with strangers. Scammers can use this information against you or steal your identity.
  2. Don’t make investments in any schemes before a proper background check. It is crucial to do research before making any investment.
  3. Keep your social media profiles private and be selective while accepting requests from strangers. Scammers often use social media to collect information about victims.


Pig butchering scams are insidious online threats that can have devastating financial outcomes for victims. Cyber security awareness plays a huge role in unmasking such scams. Knowing how these scams work and the warning signs can protect yourself and your family against them. Staying vigilant, watching for threatening signs, and promptly reporting any suspicious scams are the key factors to effectively combating such scams.

Educate yourself on new cyber security tactics and the warning signs of fraudulent activities with Cyber News Live.

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