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Malvertising; What is it & How can it be Prevented?

Malvertising, short for malicious advertising, is a method used by cybercriminals to spread malware through legitimate advertising channels. This online threat can infiltrate any device or operating system. Threat actors exploit malvertising to generate illicit financial gains and carry out various malicious activities. To combat this pervasive threat, we must employ robust detection and prevention mechanisms at all levels. By implementing strong defenses against malvertising, we can navigate the digital landscape more securely and protect our digital infrastructure from potential threats.

What is Malvertsing?

Malvertising involves inserting malicious code within seemingly legitimate online advertisements. These advertisements mimic legitimate content and spread across various websites, apps, or other digital platforms frequented by users.

In other words, malvertising employs insidious tactics to harm individuals and organizations by disseminating malware and other harmful threats without requiring user interaction.

Malvertising can target any site or browser, including those considered reputable with large user bases. Typically, it works by inserting a minuscule piece of malicious code within the advertisement, which directs your computer to criminal command and control servers. These servers then use sophisticated techniques to identify the vulnerabilities of a compromised system and selectively deploy malware for maximum damage.

malvertising attacks

How Does Malvertsing Work?

Malvertising adeptly infiltrates legitimate advertising channels and disseminates online. Often, advertisers cannot differentiate between legitimate and non-legitimate advertisements. When the advertiser agrees to run an ad, they send it via a server to other harmless websites. After a user clicks on the advertisement, code starts running in the background.

Malvertising is a sophisticated cyber threat, leveraging a range of tactics to execute the attack. Typically, the process of malvertising begins with cyber criminals infringing on a third-party server, injecting malicious code within the ad and other elements such as banner ad copy, creative imagery, and video content.

When an unsuspecting visitor interacts with the compromised ad, the malicious code activates. The code activation triggers several nefarious actions, often resulting in malware installation on the user’s device. The attacker may also redirect the user to a malicious website, exploiting spoofing or social engineering tactics to exfiltrate sensitive data.

Malvertising attacks can also use specialised malware, such as exploit kits designed to identify and exploit system vulnerabilities. Upon installation, the malware functions stealthily, executing a range of malicious activities. It can damage system files, redirect internet traffic, monitor the user’s activity, and pilfer sensitive data. Malware can also set up backdoor access points to exploit the system further. In some cases, attackers sell the stolen data on the dark web, fueling other illegal activities.

How To Identify Malvertising Attacks?

Malvertising has different traits that can easily be spotted if you know what to look for. Here are some common signs of malvertising:

  •     Sloppy and unprofessional-looking advertisements
  •     Spelling and grammatical mistakes
  •     Ads with extravagant promises
  •     Ads made on celebrity scandals and sensational news topics
  •     Ads with extraordinary benefits and low offers
  •     Ads that do not match your recent search activity

How To Prevent Malvertsing?

Malvertising can be extremely difficult for both consumers and publishers to detect and prevent. Hence, a proactive approach and vigilance are required to mitigate the malvertising attacks effectively. Moreover, some basic steps can help individuals and organisations minimise the exposure of such ads.

Install a Robsut Ad Blocker

Installing an ad blocker will prevent ads from appearing on your screen, including malware. This proactive measure ensures that when you move to a page with malicious code, you solely engage with authentic content devoid of fake codes engineered by hackers within the advertising network.

Keep Software Updated

Ensure all the software and web browsers are up-to-date with the latest security versions. Timely software updation will strengthen your defences against potential vulnerabilities like malvertising.

Turn on the Click-to-play Option

Activate the click-to-play option on your browser to ensure that no content plays automatically upon loading a webpage. With the click-to-play option, you can protect yourself from advertisements that automatically run upon the loading of plugin content.

Use All Around Anti-virus Software

Anti-virus software can be a formidable deterrent against malware, including malvertising. If a new malvertising attack is introduced in the market, your anti-virus identifies it and protects your system.


Malvertising is poised to be a persistent problem for years to come. However, organisations and individuals can mitigate its consequences by fostering a culture of awareness and executing robust defences. Educate yourself about cyber threats like malvertising and how to browse the web safely. Moreover, you can use advanced security solutions to make browsing safe and secure. By leveraging these tools, organisations and individuals can minimise the risk of malvertising and create a more secure digital environment.

Stay connected with Cyber News Live to uncover the world of malvertising and how to protect yourself. For additional information, please see Malwarebytes.

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