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Least Privilege: Least Privilege is the principle of allowing users or applications the least amount of permissions necessary to perform their intended function.

Legacy Operating System: An operating system that is outdated but still being used.

Lessons Learned Meeting: A meeting that includes all involved parties after a major

Library: A collection of modules that provide code users can access in their programs

Lifecycle: A framework for incident response consisting of four phases: Preparation;

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): A software protocol for enabling anyone to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources such as files and devices in a network, whether on the public Internet or on a corporate Intranet.

Linux: An open-source operating system.

List Concatenation: The concept of combining two lists into one by placing the

List Data: A data structure that consists of a collection of data in sequential form.

Loader: A type of malware that downloads strains of malicious code from an external.

Local Area Network (LAN): A network that spans small areas like an office building, a school, or a home.

Local Variable: A variable assigned within a function.

Log Analysis: The process of examining logs to identify events of interest.

Log Management: The process of collecting, storing, analyzing, and disposing of log.

Log: A record of events that occur within an organization’s systems.

Logging: The recording of events occurring on computer systems and networks

Logic Bomb: Logic bombs are programs or snippets of code that execute when a certain predefined event occurs. Logic bombs may also be set to go off on a certain date or when a specified set of circumstances occurs.

Logic Error: An error that results when the logic used in code produces unintended ong that session should last

Loop Condition: The part of a loop that determines when the loop terminates.

Loop Variable: A variable that is used to control the iterations of a loop.

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