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MAC Address: A physical address; a numeric value that uniquely identifies that network device from every other device on the planet.

Malicious Code: Software (e.g., Trojan horse) that appears to perform a useful or desirable function, but actually gains unauthorized access to system resources or tricks a user into executing other malicious logic.

Malware: A generic term for a number of different types of malicious code. Software designed to harm devices or networks.

Malware Infection: An incident type that occurs when malicious software designed to

Mandatory Access Control (MAC): Mandatory Access Control controls is where the system controls access to resources based on classification levels assigned to both the objects and the users. These controls cannot be changed by anyone.

MD5: A one-way cryptographic hash function. Also, see “hash functions” and “sha1.”

Media Access Control (MAC) address: A unique alphanumeric identifier that is assigned to each physical device on a network

Method: A function that belongs to a specific data type

Metrics: Key technical attributes such as response time, availability, and failure rate, which are used to assess the performance of a software application

Mitigation: The application of one or more measures to reduce the likelihood of an unwanted occurrence and/or lessen its consequences.

MITRE: A collection of non-profit research and development centers

Modem: A device that connects your router to the internet and brings internet access to the LAN

Module: A Python file that contains additional functions, variables, classes, and any

Monitor: The seventh step of the NIST RMF means to be aware of how systems are operating.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA): A security measure that requires a user to verify their identity in two or more ways to access a system or network.

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